Sunday, September 23, 2012

First post

This here is my first blog post. Let's see how this thing works and if I have the discipline to keep writing meaningful stuff here.

First of all I want to say a big, fat "Fuck you!" to all patent law makers. So here it goes: Fuck you and the horse you rode in on!

Second, to whom it may concern: Get your heads out of your asses and stop that idiotic "War on drugs" of yours that's only putting money in the pockets of organized crime lords. And, while you're at it, stop the rest of your "Wars on ...".

Third: Religion in all its forms is an abomination. Stay away from it, or at least let the abominable snowmen of the world pay their own way. Stop handing out decent folk's hard earned money to Nessie and the Cookie Monster.

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