Saturday, September 29, 2012

What's wrong with this conversation?

A: I don't like feminism. They want to force a special tax on people with penises and they make a fuss about how society wants them to shave their armpits.
B: No, we don't.
A: Well, Gudrun Schyman does.
B: Not all feminists do.
A: So, what kind of feminist are you then?
B: I want equality for everybody.
A: Who doesn't want that?
B: Some men don't.
A: Ok, some men are assholes, so are some women, but what does feminism have to do with it?
B: I want equal opportunities for men and women.
A: You already said that, and so do I. Where does the feminism come in, though?
B: Now you sound like a real chauvinist pig, you know that?
A: Ok, I'm popping down to the pub for a while.
B: Yeah, you go drink yourself silly, why don't you!


A: I don't like communism. They want to take people's land away from them and put so called "kulaks" in concentration camps.
B: No, we don't.
A: Well, Lenin did.
B: Not all communist do.
A: So, what kind of communist are you then?
B: I want equality for everybody.
A: Who doesn't want that?
B: Some rich people don't.
A: Ok, some rich people are assholes, so are some poor people, but what does communism have to do with it?
B: I want equal opportunities for rich people and poor people.
A: You already said that, and so do I. Where does the communism come in, though?
B: Now you sound like a real capitalist pig, you know that?
A: Ok, I'm late for work.
B: Yeah, you go work for the system, why don't you!


  1. Feminism as a movement and an ideology strives for equal rights for women (men being the default). The problem with your post is that you don't accept the term. There are assholes among feminists, obviously, as there are among any group of people.

    And no, society is not yet equal, and the inequality hurts both men and women. What about this little gem from :

    "Kvinnorna har rätt att gå nästan nakna på sta´n utan att skicka ut sexuella signaler"

    De skickar inte ut signaler heller. Felet sitter i männens hjärnor, det anses vara deras eget problem om de blir provocerade. Som så ofta annars har kvinnorna rätt att töja på gränserna; männen är fångar i systemet och kulturen från början till slut."

    So this man seriously thinks he is a slave to his own desires - the usual explanation is hormones that makes a man completely unable to restrain himself. I think that kind of thinking is dangerous for women and really degrading for men. And so do other feminists.

    Abortion is nice, too, isn't it. And the fact that even men are allowed to stay home with their children - if not for as long a time as some of them undoubtedly would wish.

    Where feminism is concerned it seems that your analytical mind goes out the window.

    1. Men are "the default" for equality?? Thank you for illustrating my point - again. Very feminine of you.

    2. What else could the default be? Parrots? Goldfish? Kindly remember that feminism stems from a time when women had no rights to speak of - and exists in countries where women still are not seen as much more than possessions or livestock. And if you think the social and economic rights of women in the West are the same of those men you are sadly mistaken. Are men treated unfairly in certain areas of life? Of course. Should that be addressed by women and men who call them selves feminists? Of course. Is it addressed? Yes.

    3. I really don't see how "equality" can have a preset value or setting (default). Anyway, thank you one more time for illustrating lousy debating techniques. However, I already gave two examples of debates gone sour in the initial post, and we really don't need any more. Aristotle already described "ignoratio elenchi" almost 2500 years ago.
